Good Music Videos

A List of "All Time" Videos

Monday, November 15, 2010

Gone But not Forgotten : Peter Tosh

I haven't done much blogging lately due to a small form of writer's block, I do not want to become redundant here. Recently my theme has been finding videos that relate to the "BeatLife" philosophy so I think I will stick with that. In this post I would like to introduce you to an artist who I feel has been shadowed in his genre by one of the most influential artist's of all time, Bob Marley. Peter Tosh was with Bob since the beginning and is responsible for writing many of the songs we know and love today. A very skilled guitarist, Peter was basically the life-blood behind the early Wailer music as his creativity fueled many of the songs they performed. His story is very tragic for such a peaceful human-being but it is a reality for these type of people. I wanted to post the VH1 "Behind the Music" so you can get the basic history behind him if you are not familiar. After that, if you are interested in an actual documentary filmed when he was still alive, there is the Stepping Razor full movie. I highly recommend  both but Stepping Razor is an awesome live music documentary of one of the greatest Reggae artist's of all time.

Stepping Razor (1993)

Peter Tosh - Stepping Razor Red X from Bumbaclaat on Veehd.

VH1 Behind the Music -Peter Tosh - Part 1

VH1 -Behind The Music - Peter Tosh - Part 2

VH1 - Behind the Music - Peter Tosh - Part 3

VH1 - Behind the Music - Peter Tosh - Part 4

VH1 - Behind the Music - Peter Tosh - Part 5

VH1 - Behind the Music - Peter Tosh - Part 6

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