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Friday, October 15, 2010

30 for 30 : Run Ricky Run - Great ESPN documentary on Ricky Williams


Some of you may not know this but I HATE THE MIAMI DOLPHINS! I am a Patriots fan. Although, one of my favorite players to ever play is Ricky Williams. Even before all his problems, I liked him as a player and I never thought negatively about the guy when he needed to discover himself. Maybe it's because we do have similar views and that's why I wanted to post this documentary. Ricky never got a fair shake and I'm really glad this film maker was there to record this process. Ricky is an artistic, pacifist in a football player's body. He's probably one of the most intelligent football players out there and just because he chose to smoke weed, the media decided to completely try and excommunicate the guy. Well I would like to say I never gave up on him and now look, he's back and a very good running back in the NFL. I would not be surprised if he makes it into the Hall of Fame. Watch this documentary, it definitely fit's into the BeatLife philosophy, it made me definitely respect Ricky Williams a lot more.

Untitled from whatwetalkinbout on Vimeo.

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