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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2 Tone Documentaries - Dance Craze & Rudies Come Home

Growing up, this was one of my most favorite type of music. Most people don't know this about me but for much of my childhood, my sister and I, had Swedish Au pairs who took care of us while our parents worked. My mom was a flight attendant so she would be gone for a few days, my father needed someone to help with the kids while he worked. These women actually had a huge influence on my life, especially in music. Being that they were European and it was the 80's, I was exposed to punk & ska at at a very early age. Groups such as The Clash, Sex Pistols, The Specials & Selector all became favorites of mine yet not too many of my friends had even heard of those bands yet. This actually carried on throughout my life today and I believe it is the reason why my musical tastes are so eclectic. I also believe this type of music has had an underlying tone to most music today and if you asked many talented artist's out there, they would say these bands held a major influence in their musical development. Watch this movie and few clips here if you are interested in musical fusion, the whole idea behind the 2-tone movement was to blend black & white culture and put an end to racism. At this time in history, this was something that wasn't done too much in music.

Dance Craze

* I have been trying to post this video on my page, hopefully stagevu doesn't delete it so watch it here while you can. If it gets deleted and you still want to see it just click on the link below and it will take you there.

BBC 2-Tone Documentary

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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