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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ultimate Gracie : Profile on Gracie Jiu Jitsu

With the popularity of Mixed Martial Arts on the rise, I thought I would show this video that was recently on Spike TV. I am more of a Martial Arts enthusiast/ purist than the MMA stuff but I still think the UFC is pretty cool. For me personally, I would rather focus on a single art at a time. My version of MMA is Bruce Lee. Recently though, I have started training Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and I can't get enough of it(even though I am injured right now from an unrelated incident) it is quite exhilarating. In my opinion, it seems like the best fighting style around and really gives you a great workout. Carlos Gracie , Sr adopted his style to Japanese Jiu Jitsu and it has now become the most popular of all martial arts in MMA. Watch this video if this is of any interest to you, it's pretty cool.

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