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A List of "All Time" Videos

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great Documentary on Bob Marley

The internet still amazes me after all these years. As far as I know this award winning documentary , Caribbean Nights, was only released in VHS and is in my opinion the best documentary made on the subject. My aunt gave me this actual video probably around 1990 and I have been hooked ever since. I was pretty bummed when I attempted to convert it to digital for you guys as I opened the video only to find the movie stolen and replaced with a copy of Passenger 57. As some of you who know me personally realize that I am a really big fan of Bob Marley, you may be able to sympathize. Fortunately for us though, the power of the internet has delivered me a copy to share. Take an hour and a half of your day to watch this and you won't regret it. There is an unbelievable scene where Bob performs "War" in the streets during a riot between 2 political parties. Bob gets everyone to stop and the 2 dueling leaders to shake hands in front of the rioting public. He was an amazing man, imagine if he were alive today. Watch and Enjoy!

*Hit play button Twice

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