Beat -the basic time unit of a piece of music -the smallest unit of dramatic action in a play -a subject of coverage by a journalist -the territory and time that a police officer patrols -to strike violently or forcefully and repeatedly. -to produce (an attitude, idea, habit, etc.) by repeated efforts -to overcome in a contest; defeat. to be superior to Life -is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining processes (biology) from those that do not.
Good Music Videos
A List of "All Time" Videos
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Great Skateboard/ Culture Video : Big Brother - Shit
Big Brother Magazine was definitely one my favorite skate mags. No subject was left untouched while the ads were mostly 'R' rated, and that's being conservative in my words. It was every 16 year old , wanna-be rebel's dream, parents had no clue. The particular issue above was one that I had when I was skating pretty hard core and can remember the main article was "The Bong Olympics". I thought it was pretty funny that my mom bought it for me. Other than crazy articles and questionable advertising, the magazine was actually pretty good. It profiled a lot of great skateboarders and their trick tips, nice color photography and they didn't hold back on their interviews. You could also always find gear and clothing that you couldn't normally get in stores. Unfortunately though, the magazine had a short life and was dropped by Larry Flynnt Publications. Although, in that time they were able to release a few videos and this one is definitely a favorite of mine. Released in 1996, a great year, Big Brother's Shit is one of the funniest videos made. Watch & Enjoy! I would also love some feedback.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ultimate Gracie : Profile on Gracie Jiu Jitsu
With the popularity of Mixed Martial Arts on the rise, I thought I would show this video that was recently on Spike TV. I am more of a Martial Arts enthusiast/ purist than the MMA stuff but I still think the UFC is pretty cool. For me personally, I would rather focus on a single art at a time. My version of MMA is Bruce Lee. Recently though, I have started training Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and I can't get enough of it(even though I am injured right now from an unrelated incident) it is quite exhilarating. In my opinion, it seems like the best fighting style around and really gives you a great workout. Carlos Gracie , Sr adopted his style to Japanese Jiu Jitsu and it has now become the most popular of all martial arts in MMA. Watch this video if this is of any interest to you, it's pretty cool.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Punk : Attitude - Great Punk Rock Documentary (Full Movie)
I know I have added a few documentaries but these are all really good and I'm going to add more. You can watch which ever one you want, my whole point is to re-expand the minds of creativity that are still out there. This is the culture that our society needs to get back to. This is what we are known for, Our Originality. Now we are in an America where there is not much opportunity, we import everything and are known for nothing. If you want to change the way things are going , then you have to look back at what has worked for you in the past, focus on that and get rid what doesn't work. Right now, I'm not sure what's working but I can sure as hell tell you what isn't. If you have a voice, use it; a guitar, play it; a pen, write it. Go out and be original and I bet we will pull ourselves out of this funk that we are in. A calling for a cultural revolution is necessary, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result. Watch this and Enjoy, you guys will thank me Later.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sublime- Stories, Tales, Lies & Exaggerations (Full Documentary)
I really don't have much to say about this because I have never seen it and surprisingly, being that Sublime is one of my most favorite bands ever, I never knew it existed. It must be good though, I hope you guys enjoy it. I randomly came across this though and thought I would share. It's about 2 hours long.
VH1 Behind the Music
Friday, September 24, 2010
Great Old School Animation : Heavy Metal
Some of you may be familiar with this movie, others may have seen the updated 2000 version, some may have seen South Park's parody of it and some may just have no clue. I am going to share this 1981 animation/ rock video classic with you guys either way. Watch this movie, it is so cool. It will take you back to the late 70' early 80's with it's hair rock and sexual overtones. It's my opinion that this movie set the tone for present day music videos and animation. let me know what you think, I love this because it does take you back to when art & music were actually relevant in society. ENJOY!
*You might have to download a player to watch this, the player is not harmful to your computer.
*You might have to download a player to watch this, the player is not harmful to your computer.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Great Documentary on Bob Marley
The internet still amazes me after all these years. As far as I know this award winning documentary , Caribbean Nights, was only released in VHS and is in my opinion the best documentary made on the subject. My aunt gave me this actual video probably around 1990 and I have been hooked ever since. I was pretty bummed when I attempted to convert it to digital for you guys as I opened the video only to find the movie stolen and replaced with a copy of Passenger 57. As some of you who know me personally realize that I am a really big fan of Bob Marley, you may be able to sympathize. Fortunately for us though, the power of the internet has delivered me a copy to share. Take an hour and a half of your day to watch this and you won't regret it. There is an unbelievable scene where Bob performs "War" in the streets during a riot between 2 political parties. Bob gets everyone to stop and the 2 dueling leaders to shake hands in front of the rioting public. He was an amazing man, imagine if he were alive today. Watch and Enjoy!
*Hit play button Twice
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Some Good Poetry to Live By

I don't want to be cheesy but as someone who appreciates the arts I have to include 2 poems that my Father has always said to me. These 2 pieces resonate through time and should be read by all men and women who would like to better their worldly views. It's just my opinion but I believe quotes and poems that stand the test of time do so because they are Truth. They mean something and if you take the time to pay attention, they may help you make a difference in this world. So read these 2 and enjoy! Hopefully it will give you a good feeling and maybe even change some perspectives you have on life.
By Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
*If you don't know who Rudyard Kipling is, he also wrote The Jungle Book.
The Spell of the Yukon
By Robert W. Service 1st Stanza
I wanted the gold, and I sought it;
I scrabbled and mucked like a slave.
Was it famine or scurvy — I fought it;
I hurled my youth into a grave.
I wanted the gold, and I got it —
Came out with a fortune last fall,
Yet somehow life's not what I thought it,
And somehow the gold isn't all.
and this is just a joke for some fun...
Artist Spotlight : Jah Mex & The Translators
An artist spotlight is something I would like to do often featuring artists that I may know or like, mostly someone local to Southern California. My first artist spotlight is a personal friend of mine so I figured he deserved the honor. As well, his work in music deserves all accolades that are appointed to him. Jah Mex has been involved in the Southern California reggae scene for many years now and has established himself as one of the few artists' left that are keeping the roots movement alive. His resume as a very talented keyboard player ranges from playing with artist's such as Eek-a-mouse & Tippa Irie while his latest album Firm Soundation of 2009 was produced by legendary reggae producer, Fully Fullwood. You can catch Jah Mex touring the California coastline most anytime of the year, so just go to his website and see when he's in your town. If you ever have gotten the chance to see them live then you will definitely want to download the album. I have provided a youtube song Lambsbread (below) that is one of my favorites and they also has a free download on their site of one of his first original hits Conscious Revolution. Check it out and keep Reaggae Music Alive!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Great Deals on Surf & Skatewear
Sometimes I will promote a company for someone I know or have done business with. This enables me to put a personal guarantee on a product and have no doubts about it. Well , for this company you get both. My friend , Mac Carlson , has revitalized a surf company down here in Southern California that has been a mainstay for our surfing community for many years. After being closed down due to financial constraints of this economy, The Green Room, has been purchased and is now back in business. Right now you can get great deals on Sector Nine Skateboards, Spy sunglasses & Rip Curl Wetsuits. They also have a wide variety of clothing, sandals, videos and surf art. You can basically get anything you want there, Check it out.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Plan B - The Questionable Video
Wow, I am so excited for any of you out there who love Skateboarding. I found this source a while ago for skate video that I watched back in my day and I am going to update you guys with surprise classics frequently. This first one is one of my "All-Time" Favorites and if you give it an hour of your time, I think you will agree with me. This was filmed in 1992 starring Skateboarding Legends Danny Way, Colin McKay, Rick Howard, Rodney Mullen, Sal Barbier & Matt Hensley. This was Plan B's first video and was produced by the late great Mike Ternasky. After his death Plan B went away for a while but now they are back. Listen to the music in this vid, it seriously set the tone for the music I listen to today. These guys also made Skateboarding what it is today. ENJOY!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Free Downloads of some good music
here is a couple samples of King Fantastic:
Hollyrock Jam Session from King Fantastic on Vimeo.
Why? Where? What? from King Fantastic on Vimeo.
here is a couple samples of King Fantastic:
Hollyrock Jam Session from King Fantastic on Vimeo.
Why? Where? What? from King Fantastic on Vimeo.
New Freestyle Fellowship Album
Once again West Coast Hip hop Legends , Freestyle Fellowship, have re-united after many years of doing solo projects. Their latest album, The Promise, will be out in the coming weeks but they have released a single On this Earth. Freestyle Fellowship are the pioneers of conscious hip hop and although didn't receive much credit, their style is still evident in some of the best MC's in the world. The group is comprised of 4 MC's : Aceyalone, Myka 9, P.E.A.C.E., & Self Jupiter. You will also catch them rollin with Abstract Rude & Busdriver quite often. I recommend this group for those who love true hip hop.
This is my first blog and I am doing it for the same reason everyone else does. Basically post my random thoughts on the internet and see how many people follow me. Why BeatLife? because there many different ways to apply a beat to your life and in the end it makes up a wonderful composition. I look at life as a musical piece that is constantly being changed and added to. Can you imagine a world without music? It goes hand in hand. I also have a theory that the reason for a downfall in art & society is for the lack of originality in music, movies , books and other art. The "hippy" mentality needs to come back to our culture and that is the point of this blog. The only true Original American Art form is Jazz and we need to bring ourselves back to that mentality. I would say I am a Jack of All trades and a master of none so I intend to fill this blog with random cool stuff that I enjoy and will stimulate the public, whoever that be. I am very eclectic and have a lot of interests so get ready for so random shit ranging from sports, music, society, and culture. I eventually also plan to have other people write for me and have a streaming radio show.
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