Good Music Videos

A List of "All Time" Videos

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Great Old School Skate Video: The Bones Brigade Video Show

I have to post this video because it seems that a majority of my followers like the old school skate videos. I have to give a "Big Up" to my viewers in Slovenia, Russia, Germany and South Korea. Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog, I'm glad I am reaching someone. You can add me on Facebook if you like or become a follower and email me. I would love to hear from you and take any suggestions. I will also share with you some of my future ideas. This little blog is just the tip of the iceberg. Life is a journey, you need to enjoy each step to the final destination. I know life is tough right now for a lot of people, this is a chance to dig deep and find out who we really are as people. I know it's been a little while since I last posted on here but it is definitely difficult to find more and more things I would like to share with you. Some things just aren't available online but I am working on it. I do have a lot more to show you, I hope you guys enjoy these. This is a cool little video from back in the day The Bones Brigade Video Show, it's only about 34 min so it will provide a break in your day for some memories and entertainment. Watch & Enjoy!

The Bones Brigade Video Show (1984)

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