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Thursday, December 2, 2010

And You Don't Stop: 30 years of Hip Hop (Parts 1 &2)

I have to inundate all of you with REAL Hip Hop here one more time because all of this Eminem coverage is just a little too much for me. I have to say, I did like his first album but then after that he just got old to me. He is a great lyricist but Hip Hop embodies a lot more than that. Now he might be Hip Hop as a person inside but not so much his music anymore. If you have been following this blog closely by now then you might have a much better understanding of the culture a little more and why I do think this way. This next one I have to show you, And You Don't Stop: 30 Years of Hip Hop, was done by VH1 in 2004 as a 5 part series. Unfortunately, I could only get parts 1 & 2 but I will continue to look for the other three. This is the important one anyway as it shows the very beginning. It is important for all of us to learn the real history of anything if we are going to appreciate it. This is a very cool movie, watch when you have a chance. Remember as well, if you really like these I have posted many of them so just look at the blog history. Enjoy and keep Living the BeatLife!

And You Don't Stop: 30 Years of Hip Hop (2004)
Watch Beginning of Hip-Hop History in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at

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