Good Music Videos

A List of "All Time" Videos

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Great Old School Skate Video: The Bones Brigade Video Show

I have to post this video because it seems that a majority of my followers like the old school skate videos. I have to give a "Big Up" to my viewers in Slovenia, Russia, Germany and South Korea. Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog, I'm glad I am reaching someone. You can add me on Facebook if you like or become a follower and email me. I would love to hear from you and take any suggestions. I will also share with you some of my future ideas. This little blog is just the tip of the iceberg. Life is a journey, you need to enjoy each step to the final destination. I know life is tough right now for a lot of people, this is a chance to dig deep and find out who we really are as people. I know it's been a little while since I last posted on here but it is definitely difficult to find more and more things I would like to share with you. Some things just aren't available online but I am working on it. I do have a lot more to show you, I hope you guys enjoy these. This is a cool little video from back in the day The Bones Brigade Video Show, it's only about 34 min so it will provide a break in your day for some memories and entertainment. Watch & Enjoy!

The Bones Brigade Video Show (1984)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jimi Hendrix Tribute - 2 Documentaries

I have to say the Jimi Hendrix is probably the best Guitar Player to ever pick up the instrument. Being left handed and poor he would re-string a right handed Fendor Stratocaster and play it upside down. The sound that Jimi created is one that can never be replicated and only he knows what was going on in his mind when he painted his images with his guitar. He was obviously a troubled soul as he died of a heroin overdose at the age of 27 but his music will live for many years to come. It's hard to imagine someone saying that they are not a fan but even so, his story is very interesting. In a time when music was the voice of a nation, Jimi was a major proponent of the era. Although he only lived a very short life he continues to intrigue people and change their lives. From T-shirts to posters and re-released albums the Jimi Hendrix foundation continues to thrive. He is still one of my most favorite musicians and I just wanted to share a little of his story with you. Take a look at these 2 documentaries The Uncut Story & Electric Lady Land, both are very cool and interesting considering how private Jimi really was. Watch & Enjoy!

Jimi Hendrix :The Uncut Story Part 1 1942-1961

Jimi Hendrix : The Uncut Story Part 2 1961-1967

 Jimi Hendrix : The Uncut Story Part3 1967 - 1970

Jimi Hendrix : Electric Lady Land 

Watch Hendrix Documentary in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Great Oldschool Skate video : Acme Skateboard Video

I don't remember this video being only 12 mins long but I always though it was really cool. Filmed in 1992, it is the classic definition of the transition from "Old school" to "New School" skateboarding. I always thought it was funny because you just don't see many videos from Acme, yet they have been around for about 20 years. If you have some time and you like old skate vids, then you will enjoy this one. It takes me back to when Skateboarding wasn't "The cool thing to do". I remember I had 2 stickers I loved, they said : Skateboarding is not a Crime & If Skateboarding is going to be outlawed then only outlaws can be Skateboarders. I still think it's funny, man I love this stuff...Watch and Enjoy!

Acme Skateboard Video (1992)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

And You Don't Stop: 30 years of Hip Hop (Parts 1 &2)

I have to inundate all of you with REAL Hip Hop here one more time because all of this Eminem coverage is just a little too much for me. I have to say, I did like his first album but then after that he just got old to me. He is a great lyricist but Hip Hop embodies a lot more than that. Now he might be Hip Hop as a person inside but not so much his music anymore. If you have been following this blog closely by now then you might have a much better understanding of the culture a little more and why I do think this way. This next one I have to show you, And You Don't Stop: 30 Years of Hip Hop, was done by VH1 in 2004 as a 5 part series. Unfortunately, I could only get parts 1 & 2 but I will continue to look for the other three. This is the important one anyway as it shows the very beginning. It is important for all of us to learn the real history of anything if we are going to appreciate it. This is a very cool movie, watch when you have a chance. Remember as well, if you really like these I have posted many of them so just look at the blog history. Enjoy and keep Living the BeatLife!

And You Don't Stop: 30 Years of Hip Hop (2004)
Watch Beginning of Hip-Hop History in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2 More Music Documentaries : The Hip Hop Project & Once Upon a Time in New York: The Birth of Hip Hop, Disco & Punk

Staying true to the BeatLife theme I wanted to follow up yesterday's post's of films from over 10 years ago to some newer films made just a few years ago. I have only seen both of these one time each but they both were very well done in my opinion. The Hip Hop Project was made in 2006 and is an inspirational story about a homeless kid who uses hip hop to change his life, I would recommend anyone watch this. Once Upon a Time in New York : The Birth of Hip Hop, Disco and Punk is a great historical documentary that pretty much embodies all that is BeatLife. Anyone who is a fan of musical progression should watch this. Yes, I do say this about every video I post but there is definitely a reason I post them. My goal is to educate and enlighten the public. Hopefully at least one person will see something here and it will make enough of an impact for that person to change the world. As I always say....Watch & Enjoy!

I would like to thank all my fellow Americans for viewing and appreciating my blog but also those view outside of America, I would like to hear from you too. Please follow and we can turn this into a global mindset.

The Hip Hop Project (2006)

Once Upon a Time In New York : The Birth of Hip Hop, Disco and Punk (2007)
Once Upon a Time in New York: The Birth of Hip Hop Disco and Punk (2007) from gnon on Veehd.