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Friday, March 25, 2011

2 More Sk8 vids from my Day - 20 Shot Sequence & Mad Circle - Let the horns blow

Well since I haven't been blogging as much I will give you guys who like this 2 more videos from my day. Both of these I can say were very influential in my skateboarding and taste in music bridging the gap between Punk & Hip Hop. What I love most about skateboarding back in these times was the lifestyle that it reflected, a pure form of self expression. We didn't have many skate parks and were not considered "cool".We even used to get arrested just for riding. Now we have huge skate contest's in arenas and the pros make millions of dollars with ego problems. Hey I guess that's what happens with everything right. But at least we can look back upon these with fond memories. Check these 2 out; 20 shot Sequence is a collection of guys from Blind, menace, 101 and World Industries. This video opened me up to Wu Tang Clan and Hieroglyphics. Let the horns blow is just a short sick video by Mad Circle where they really focused on the art of the Film mixing and matching the music to each skateboarder. I used to watch both of these videos all the time in high school and really model my style after these guys. Hope you guys think they are as cool as I do...if not, too bad, it's my blog. hahaha. Watch & Enjoy!

20 Shot Sequence (1995)

Mad Circle - Let the Horns Blow (1996)

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